First of all, no matter what you are seeing, know that it will all be okay.
I’ve been silent for a few weeks, lots of energetic activations have been taking place.
It’s important now to be very aware of your thoughts, intentions and energy.
As we are moving into higher states of consciousness, we are seeing the crumbling and chaos around us. The lower vibrational consciousness is falling apart. The only thing we need to do is not feed it. Stay neutral, hold as much light and higher vibration as possible. The more of us that can do that the sooner the lower frequencies will dissipate.
If you are sensitive to energies you will feel these higher energy activations in your body.
sudden bouts of dizziness and nausea
random unexplained aches, sore spots or twinges of pain.
memory issues
feeling lack of motivation
extreme tiredness
extreme thirst
confusion that comes on randomly
time seeming to slow down or speed up
the need to be alone
aversion to noise and bright artificial light
sudden mood swings
sudden feelings of contentment, this will happen right after a big activation takes place. Remember that feeling and try to stay in this state more and more.
We are on a fast trajectory into a higher dimension of consciousness and it is physically and emotionally demanding. Life here is not like it was 40 years ago. We have so much evolving to take place in a short amount of time.
Use my 4x4x4 breathing technique as needed when you are feeling overly anxious.
Go outside and sit in the sun.
Get in water even if it’s the bathtub
Bless your food and water before consuming with the intention of it being exactly what your body needs and whatever is not pure in it to be easily excreted.
Get in touch with me if you need to, I’m now ready to again start up individual sessions.